Changes in billing format
For new customers, the Unit Platform will charge for the use of platform features through a pay as you go system. All features available on the Unit Platform Cloud that were previously specific to some plans will be available for unrestricted use.
The subscription will take place as follows: the user will be able to purchase a predefined amount of credits that will be consumed throughout the month through the use of features in the Unit Platform. Credits that were not consumed during the month expire when the invoice closes.
In this new model, the user can optimize the costs with the monitoring service and pay only for what is used.
IMPORTANT: For current customers nothing will change! Invoices will continue with the same values, due dates will remain the same and access to features will still be managed by the plans subscription system.
If you have any questions, please contact support through the chat available on the platform.
New product: Cloud View
Cloud View was created to allow a better visualization of the cloud infrastructure hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services). With Cloud View you can:
- Verify the status of an EC2 instance or EBS volume.

Consolidated view of the status of the EC2 instances
- Check the consumption of CPU and credits of “T” type instances (t2.medium, t2.micro, for example).

Dashboard of a t2.micro instance
- Check performance metrics of EBS volumes.

Performance metrics available on EBS volumes, they can be visualized on the volume’s dashboard
- Visualize AWS costs by product and account.

Billing of an AWS account
New way of getting in contact with our support service
In order to facilitate the contact with Unit Platform’s support team, a chat tool was made available within the platform. Through the chat, it will be possible to request the opening of tickets and/or clarification of doubts.
To open the chat, use the icon shown below:

Chat icon
After opening the chat, just type a message and the support team will get back to you.

Chat window
New features
- New dashboards for devices, services and groups: new dashboards were created within Multisite Monitoring to replace the defaults provided by Business Metrics. Default dashboards that were customized are still available through Business Metrics.

Device dashboard
- Performance data projections: for services monitored by Multisite monitoring, it’s possible to create projections and try to prevent possible service failures. To know more about projections, read this article.

Service performance projection
- Document upload: created a repository to upload files to the platform. This feature is available at Options > Documents.
Bug fixes
- Fixed various minor errors and layout adjustments.