Unit Platform On-premises - Release 4.3-0

New features

  • Business Metrics: integration with Google Analytics. This update made available a great variety of widgets that retrieve website usage data from Google Analytics, including page views, number of unique users and sessions and much more.
  • Multisite Monitoring: released a discovery mechanism to automatically list services belonging to Dell EqualLogic storage pools. To use this feature, simply execute a new discovery to an EqualLogic storage device.


  • Multisite Monitoring new plugins:
    • MySQL – Connection test: tests the connection to a MySQL server.
    • MySQL – Number of tables per database: returns the number of tables in a database.
    • MySQL – Connections per database: returns the number of connections active in a database.
    • MySQL – Number of databases: returns the number of databases available on the server.
    • MySQL – Inactive connections: returns the total number of inactive connections.
    • MySQL – Open connections: returns the total number of open connections.
    • SMTP response time: tests the SMTP connection response time.

Bug fixes

  • Layout adjustments and minor bug fixes.